This should help to install JIRA with some useful customisation.
The installation documentation will work for either CentOS 6.5 or Fedora 19 with MySQL/MariaDB 5..5.35+.
Some of the steps are duplicated if Confluence is already installed on the server.
Some of the steps are duplicated if Confluence is already installed on the server.
- download the latest version of JIRA from Atlassian
- install and configure an up-to-date version of Java.
i.e. java -version --->> java version "1.7.0_51" - download the Java Connector version > 5.1.28 from Oracle (see git install)
- GOTCHA !!! remove all previous JIRA accounts, groups and installations unless you want to upgrade !!!
- copy both to the destination machine
change permissions to 755 on JIRA
- install the Java Connector into the /usr/share/java/
and replace old links of mysql-connector-java.jar (see git install)
- prepare the database (local or different db server)
CREATE USER 'jira'@'localhost(remote host)' IDENTIFIED BY 'supersecret';CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `jira_db` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci`;
GRANT SELECT, LOCK TABLES, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER ON `jira_db`.* TO 'jira'@'localhost (or other hostname)';
- prepare a data directory/file-system i.e. on a storage device for easier back-up.
i.e. /data/jira
- prepare a directory for central logging /var/log/jira
- decide which tomcat ports you want to use; this is not needed when you run JIRA on its own server.
- next still as superuser, execute the JIRA binary
- GOTCHA !!! before starting JIRA or logging onto the gui for the remaining configuration, you have to create a link (or copy) the java-connector
cd /opt/atlassian/jira/lib (the default installation)
ln -s /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java-5.1.28/mysql-connector-java-5.1.28-bin.jar mysql-connector-java.jar
Without this copy or link you will not see the database.
- Questions / Prompts during install:
- This will install JIRA 6.2 on your computer ---> press Enter
- Choose the appropriate installation or upgrade option ---> 2 + Enter
- Where should JIRA 6.2 be installed? ---> press Enter
- Default location for JIRA data (see item 6.) ---> /data/jira + Enter
- Configure which ports JIRA will use (see item 8) ---> select option and Enter
- Install JIRA as Service? (silly question) ---> press Enter
- Finishing installation ...
- Now is the time for item 10. !!!
- Enter the database connection details into the file: /data/jira/dbconfig.xml
- Also do Item
- mv /data/jira/log/atlassian-jira.log /var/log/jira/
- rmdir /data/jira/log
- ln -s /var/log/jira /data/jira/log
- cd /opt/atlassian/jira
- mv logs/* /var/log/jira/
- rmdir logs
- ln -s /var/log/jira logs
- Restart JIRA and log-in to the gui to configure the admin user and the database.
- lastly configure Apache or nginx as the gateway.
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